Angrybirdsrio Clan Wikia

The Angrybirdsrio Airlines is a Airliner company found also in Janurary 2016 by Pokemonguy2234 and Angrybirdsrio32.

Angrybirdsrio Airlines Logo

Angrybirdsrio Airlines Logo (January 2016-present)

Small Company (2016)[]

From January to December 2016, Angrybirdsrio Airlines was only a small company. There's only around 8 small aircraft to fly by December 2016.

Expansion (2017-2019)[]

As of January 2017, Angrybirdsrio Airlines started to expand slow at first. Then in May, it started to grow faster. Today, the airlines in all subsidiaries and the main company have 158 aircraft and another 54 in order. A few months later, Dev Airlines has been formed as a competitor to Angrybirdsrio Airlines. It along with a few more airlines including Air Monarch, would become a part of Angrybirdsrio Airlines Group.

Group Collapse & Rebound (2020-present)[]

By July 2020, every airline of the Angrybirdsrio Airlines Group (ABRAG) except Smartangrybirdsrio Airlines and Angrybirdsrio Airlines remained due to continued losses from the COVID-19 pandemic. Sometime in 2021, Angrybirdsrio Airline's final remaining sister airline, Smartangrybirdsrio (SABR) Airlines have collapsed.

External Links[]

Angrybirdsrio Airlines Website
